ハートのパーツ(A Piece of Heart)(SWBEpic4/7)


Captin Screewoggins >>>: What da... a home? Da Capsized Kliknik? Dat ship is ME home! What made it think it could move into me ship?
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Actually, I'm fairly certain it was the thing that sank your ship as well. I guess it just decided to move in, and you were in the way.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Well... at least it be gone now. It seems dat ye fulfilled yer end of da bargain dis time, and as a gnome of me word, I will honor our agreement... if ye can indeed provide me with da Capsized Kliknik.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Very well, then. Might you know any shipwrights?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Could ye talk to the woman who helped me build da Kliknik in da first place -- Welmia Deepheart. She knows dis ship inside and out, and is going to be de best person to talk to. In fact, she's da only one who I would let touch her.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Ah, easy enough then. Just point me to Welmia, and I'll get your ship fixed.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: If only it WERE dat easy. She be one of da most talented shipwrights in all of Norrath... but da clients she chooses to work with aren't exactly... umm... well, dey generally prefer to keep der transactions a secret, as it were. So she isn't always popular with da cities she operates out of.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Then how am I to find her?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: She keeps a low profile, and is not likely to reveal herself to a complete stranger. However, she told me in da past dat she loved the Capsized Kliknik... it was her favorite piece of work. If you were ta mention the ship, she might be a little more friendly. Good luck... all I can say is ta check da docks and da shores.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: You've been quite helpful. I will see what I can do for you and your ship. Farewell.

ケイノス港にあるマーメイドルアー亭の2Fにa shady patronがいるので話しかけます。

(Say): やぁ、A shady patron
a shady patron >>>: そうやって突然話しかけてくる、お前さんはいったい何者だ?
(Say) >> a shady patron: I was about to ask you the same. I have just gotten here, and you are sitting alone in a dockside bar. It seems that neither of us is a familiar face around here.
a shady patron >>>: Who says I am alone, stranger? Perhaps you should watch your back a little more carefully.
(Say) >> a shady patron: That is quite good advice, and something I will carefully consider. However, I am hoping you might be able to provide me with some information.
a shady patron >>>: Why do you even think I want to talk to you at all? Speak fast, swashbuckler, before I end this conversation with the tip of my rapier.
(Say) >> a shady patron: It's merely a person I am looking for... a shipwright that might have an interest in a vessel named the Capsized Klicknik.
a shady patron >>>: The Kliknik? What has happened to her? Tell me now, before I run your miserable guts through!
(Say) >> a shady patron: Well... if you excuse the part where I'm about to get slashed through the middle, it seems our conversation has taken something of a favorable turn for me.
a shady patron >>>: You are running out of time, stranger... what has happened to the Klicknik?!
(Say) >> a shady patron: とんだ災難だったんだ。海底の獣が船に興味をもったみたいで、その……船を民家みたいなものにしてくれたんだ。
a shady patron >>>: A cottage... the Kliknik has foundered?! How could this happen? She was built solid all the way through! It's that knobhead Screewoggin's fault, isn't it! Ohh... I knew I shouldn't have entrusted him with such an exquisite piece of art!
(Say) >> a shady patron: Ah... well, Welmia Deepheart, I take it? Pleased to make your acquaintance.

エストがヒットし、NPCがWelmia Deepheartに変わります。

(Say): やぁ、Welmia Deepheart
Welmia Deepheart >>>: Tell me... what's happened to my ship, then? How deep down is she?
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Well, I'm no expert on such matters, but you can see the masts in low tide, I'm pretty sure.
Welmia Deepheart >>>: あああ……沈没したんだね!? Screewogginsのやつめ! あの船に怪物が住んでるって、いったいどういうことなんだい!
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: To be fair, I'm not sure it was entirely the good Screewoggin's fault... this thing wanted a home, and the Klicknik is a nice vessel. I can't say I blame the thing.
Welmia Deepheart >>>: Well, is it dead? What happened to it?
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Ah yes, I dispatched of it rather nicely, I think.
Welmia Deepheart >>>: So what kind of damage does she have? Is she seaworthy?
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Well, see, that's what I'm hoping you can help with. I can't be certain if she is seaworthy, but I am sure that she needs repairs. You think you might be up for the job?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: もちろん修理してやるよ! ついでにあのScreewogginsもぶっ飛ばしてやる! 浮きさえすれば、すぐにでも修理できるはずだよ。ああ、だけど……ちょっとした問題があるけどね。
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: 問題? どんな?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: Well, the Capsized Kliknik isn't your usual ship. It was made from a specific wood that I found several years back, completely by accident. It looked like another ship -- one I had never seen before -- had smashed on rocks outside of Freeport, and I found the floating remains of the vessel sometime later.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: おもしろい……続けてくれ。
Welmia Deepheart >>>: The wood was smashed in some places, but a good deal of it was intact. At least, intact enough to build a smaller ship. I was amazed at how durable the wood was, yet how easy it was to shape it the way I wanted it. To this day, I have never found its equal. With that magnificent wood, I was able to craft not just a ship, but a piece of art.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Well there's our plan, then. Let's get some more wood, and you should be able to fix the ship, right?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: Yes, well, that is the basic idea of the plan... however, I have no idea where this wood even grows, so getting my hands on more of it could prove to be problematic.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Ah, yes, I see how that might be a hindrance. Well, do you know anything about the wood itself?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: あたしが調べてわかったことぐらいだけど……いいよ、教えるよ。あの木材は 水が染み込んでた感じだったけど、中は塩っぽくなってなかった。つまり淡水を含んでたのは間違いないと思う。それから、あの濃い色合いからすると、きっと沼地に近い場所で見つかる材料だろうね。さらに、炎で固められた感じもする。だからあれだけ強い材質だったんだ。
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: You found all of that just by studying the wood? Very nice! What else did you find?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: There were unusual marks embedded in the wood, as if some large creature used the wood to feed on or sharpen their claws on... it's likely you'll need to protect yourself or the wood from them. As to where that wood, or the ship it once was a part of came from, I cannot say. All I know is that I will need a bundle of that wood if I'm going to repair the Klicknik.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: So if I retrieve this wood for you, will you be able to make the repairs to the Klicknik, then?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: Well, in theory I will be able to, but I will still need a dock to fix it in. I'll work on getting that, as well as assemble the team I will need to help me. You just worry about the lumber for now. And good luck to you... there's only an entire world for you to search.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: So, I need to find wood somewhere in the whole of Norrath, while possibly dodging and, or fighting creatures with claws strong enough to damage the wood, and all the while also likely getting my hair singed off by fire? Well then... best be off, I suppose.

branch of firebourne cedarが落ちているので採取します(伐採スキルが300必要)。
Swamp of no hopeということなので、リリスの檻(西)あたりの沼の周り(-1184, -109, 507)をぐるぐる回って拾いました。

(Say): やぁ、Welmia Deepheart
Welmia Deepheart >>>: Where have you been? The longer you are gone, the more money I can potentially lose!
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Forgive my rudeness, but I did have quite a bit of ground to cover. I'll spare you the rough details, but the good news is that I have the lumber here with me.
Welmia Deepheart >>>: すごいよ、あんた! ああそうだよ、こ必要なのはこの木材だ! どこで調達したかは知らないけど、これでクリックニック号を直せるよ!
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: I'm very glad to have been of service. So were you able to assemble your team? Did you find the dock that you need?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: Well... not... completely.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: 完全……ではない? どういうことだ?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: A lot has happened since you left. I have my team, so there's no problem there. However, getting a dock to repair the Kliknik on has proven... rather problematic.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: そうなのか? どうなったんだ?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: あたしにゃ貸しのある友達がいるから、そいつに連絡してドックを予約してもらったんだ。ところがだよ、最後の最後で港湾管理局が乗り出してきて、「それはならん」と言ってきた。あたしがずっと使ってきたドックは、今は商人の軍艦が使ってるんだとさ。あたしの顔見知りでも、ルールは変えられないそうだ。そうなったらもうお手上げさ。あたしにはそれ以外 位の高い友人知人はいないから。
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: That is quite unfortunate. How did you find this out?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: I usually get an affidavit of charter for the docks I use, which are not exactly official documents... but they work for what I need.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: 公式ではないというと、偽造品?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: Something like that... yes. In any case, the contact I go through to get the docks turned in my affidavit. From what I heard, the captain of the merchant fleet took the document, tore it in pieces, and threw them to the sea. Rather than expose himself, my contact chose to exit the scene gracefully, and the merchant received the dock.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Troubling indeed. Did the officials see this happen?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: I'm sure that they did, but I don't think anyone would dare stand up to him, as he has a rather aggressive reputation. However, that document, false or not, shows that we had a right to the dock first, and there's no telling how long the merchants will be docked here. Without it, there's no way I can repair the Klicknik.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: So if we can retrieve the document, then we will have rights to the dock?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: そうだと思う。商人船の船長だろうと、港湾管理局の決定には逆らわないはずさ。異議申し立てならするかもだけどね。だけどそれにも時間がかかる。そんなこんなで丁々発止してる間に、クリックニック号の修理は終わって、海に出してやれるはずなのに……。どいつもこいつもノータリンだらけだよ。
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Excellent. So, the first thing is to find the pieces of that affidavit that gives us the rights to the dock, then?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: Yeah, I suppose you will need to. It's been a few days, so there's no telling where those papers are even at. He tore the document in twain, and then again one more time, so there are four pieces to find. If they weren't totally destroyed by the currents, they could be about anywhere.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Well, now what fun would all of this be if there weren't some adventure involved? I'll check Norrath's shores for the papers, and bring you the parts if I can find them.


  • アントニカ:-611, -38, 829(アーチャーズウッズの南の海岸)
  • ラヴァストーム:-240, -128, 503(ゾーン入り口の海岸)
  • クィロン・プレーン:-1376, 1, -194(ヤ=レイのいる海岸)
  • ジャルサスの荒野:563, -50, 1230(ヤ=レイのいる海岸)


(Say): やぁ、Welmia Deepheart
Welmia Deepheart >>>: The world-traveling swashbuckler has returned! Not much has changed here. What did you find out?
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Fate has been unusually kind to us, Welmia. I have found all four parts of the affidavit.
Welmia Deepheart >>>: Unbelievable! Had someone told me of this in a story, I would surely have accused them of falsities, but here you are, with the affidavit in hand! How fortunate, indeed! Okay, give me a moment, and I will get this put together so we can turn it in.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: はい。これです。
Guildmate: Yotimin has logged in.
Welmia Deepheart >>>: And... that should do it... nearly good as new. Now, we need to turn this in. Is that something you can do for me?
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Well, I believe I can. But why me?
Welmia Deepheart >>>: I would have my usual contact do it, but I think the merchant captain may be watching him, and I don't want to give him another chance to foil our plan. Besides, if he appeals, then my contact won't be brought into question, since he didn't turn the paper in. By then, you'll be gone, and their trail will go cold.
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: Sounds like a solid plan, then. I will go turn this in for you.
Welmia Deepheart >>>: Here you are, then. Once you have that turned in, go ahead and return to that fool Screewoggins, and tell him that we'll be along presently to retrieve my ship. And tell him he's going to be lucky if I don't use him as the new figurehead for the bow of the Capsized Kliknik!
(Say) >> Welmia Deepheart: I will pass your friendly warning along to him. Farewell to you, Welmia!

ケイノス港のドックにいるGuster Maliriousと話します。(929, -25, 102)

(Say): やぁ、Guster Malirious
Guster Malirious >>>: State your business and the nature of your visit.
(Say) >> Guster Malirious: Ah, my greetings to you, friend! Am wondering if you might be able to help me with a problem I am having.
Guster Malirious >>>: Just get on with it! What is it you need?
(Say) >> Guster Malirious: 用船契約書によると、自分にはドックを使う権利があるらしい。だけどイマイチ自信がなくて……。この書類を見て、ハッキリさせてくれません?
Guster Malirious >>>: All right, then, let me see that... well... okay... everything does seem in order. All right then -- Smithson is the name? Is it?
(Say) >> Guster Malirious: Smithson? Ah, yes, indeed. Smithson.
Guster Malirious >>>: Well then... Smithson. I'll inform the dockmaster that you are the rightful tenant of the dock, and if there's anyone there, we will move them. Now be off! I have much to do here.
(Say) >> Guster Malirious: Many thanks, my friend. Farewell and good day to you.

エンチャントランドのCaptain Screewogginsに知らせに行きましょう。

(Say): やぁ、Captin Screewoggins
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Ah, ahoy there! You've come back from yer journey! As ye can see, da Kliknik hasn't gone much of anywhere, so here we sit.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Well, I have good news for you, friend! I have spoken with Welmia, and she has agreed to repair the Capsized Klicknik!
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Ah - ha ha ha! She will sail again! I knew there was no way the Kliknik would stay down forever. Ah, I owe ye so much!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: The praise is not necessary. All I need to know is if you can point me to The Pirate Jones, and I will be on my way.