軽い口が船を見つける(Loose Lips find Ships)(SWBEpic5/7)


Captin Screewoggins >>>: So the payment will be information, aye? Then I will tell ye what me know... which is nothing.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: ちょっと、ちょっとちょっと! 何も知らないとは言わなかったじゃないか。ずるいぞ!
Captin Screewoggins >>>: んなこと言ってもよぉ、はじめから約束なんかしてねぇだろ。知ってることを教えるとは言ったが、オレは何も知らん。恩返ししてぇのもヤマヤマだがよ、おめぇにやれるのは教訓だけだ。「オレみたく老獪な海の男を相手にするときゃ、気を引き締めなきゃダメだ」ってな! がははははっ!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: 大人しく負けを認めよう。おじさんは、家なり店なり建てるかして 楽しく余生を過ごしてくれ。
Captin Screewoggins >>>: What? Why would I do dat? Me ship will be fixed soon, and again I will travel the high seas!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: そっちが破った約束を こっちが守る義理はない。つまり、船の引き渡しは不要ってこと!
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Ha! Ye can't do that. I'm sure Welmia be on her way already.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Indeed, she did seem rather vehement about wanting to get the Klicknik fixed. But here's the catch. I was the one that arranged for the dock, by turning in the affidavit of charter.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: So? What does that have to do with anything?
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Well, Welmia has to come here, get the ship, then head back to Qeynos with it in tow. I merely have to return to Qeynos, speak with the Port Authority official I saw before, and explain my "mistake".
Captin Screewoggins >>>: But... but...
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: So then you get the waterlogged Klicknik to Qeynos, which will have to sit offshore for who knows how long, after having crossed the sea half submerged. Oh, but what do you have to worry about?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: だめだ、それだけはやめてくれ! 勘弁だ! 後生だ! お願いだ! 頼む、何でもするからよぉ!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Then tell me where to find The Pirate Jones as we agreed, and nothing changes.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Alright! I'll tell ye what me know! I wasn't lying, ye know... I really have no idea where the Pirate Jones be at. But me know a pair dat might. Although neither said it openly, I believe both served on da ship Animus under the Pirate Jones hisself. If ye speak with dem, ye might find da answers ye are looking for.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: That will have to do, then. Where can I find these people?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Da first man's name is Migo. He be a gifted swashbuckler not unlike yerself, whose skills be nearly legendary. He has since retired from sailing to pursue some other ambition of his own, but I'm not sure what that be. Last I heard was that he was near Somborn, but I cannot be sure. Ye might check da tavern dere... Migo's love for drink be nearly as legendary as his abilities.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: I will bear that in mind, then. Now what about the second?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Da next man ye be looking for be named Casey. Like Migo, he also quit to pursue other interests... namely, a woman. An elven woman, if ye can believe dat! What a lucky sap! The last thing I heard about him was dat dey had moved back into Qeynos, but I don't know where.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: That should be sufficient, though. Thank you for your help, Screewoggins. And good luck with the Capsized Klicknik.


Migo Toya >>>: All right! All right! Enough! I'm fine, I'm fine... now, what is it? Why do you feel the need to disturb a broken man?
(Say) >> Migo Toya: A broken man? What would cause a man so much grief?
Migo Toya >>>: Ever since the death of my father, my heart has never healed. My father was a great man, and I have felt empty ever since I heard about his death. I can never be satisfied until I have my revenge!
(Say) >> Migo Toya: The death of a loved one can be quite troubling. I am sorry to hear about your loss.
Migo Toya >>>: 親父を殺した男を追い続け、もう何年もの時が流れた。いつの日か やつをこの手で捕まえて、そしてオレは言うのさ。「よう、オレの名はIludio Mavalia。よくも親父を殺してくれたな、今度はお前が殺される番だ」と。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: Well, I wish you only the best in your endeavor. However, I am hoping you can help me with something.
Migo Toya >>>: Help you? No, no, no. I am no help to anyone. I cannot even avenge the death of my father, and I can focus on nothing else until I have. I have given up everything to find this man, and I am no closer than I ever was. I will do nothing else until I have completed my task!
(Say) >> Migo Toya: 彼について何を知ってる?
Migo Toya >>>: そうでもない。そんなたいしたことのない貴族の護衛をやっているということは知ってるが、\rm:ケイノス\:Qeynos\/rと\rm:フリーポート\:Freeport\/rを探したが彼を見つけることはできなかった。彼の行方に関する情報を得られることを願い、他の地域も調べ始めたんだ。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: How will you know him when you find him, then?
Migo Toya >>>: たしかにオレは そいつの姿を見たことがないから、見分けるのは難しいだろう。だが聞いた話じゃ、そいつには 見間違いようのない特徴があるらしいんだ。何でもそいつは、片足が もう片方より少しだけ長いらしい。それはなぜか? 足の指が6本あるからさ!
(Say) >> Migo Toya: Well then, he must get quite uncomfortable in regular boots, then, I would think.
Migo Toya >>>: This is true! So I must find the man and dispatch him in the name of my father. As you can see, until this is done, I cannot help you.
(Say) >> Migo Toya: Let's say I help you, then. If I were to help you locate him, would you be decent enough to help me with my issue, too?
Migo Toya >>>: オレがこれだけ探しても見つからなかった野郎が、あんたに見つけられるとは思わんが……でもいいだろう、もしそうなったら力を貸そう。
足の指6本野郎について オレが最後に聞いた話じゃ、そいつはその家の執事と馬が合わないそうだ。ぶっちゃけ、オレはこの情報だけを頼りに 追跡を続けてるようなもんだ。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: But you do not know where this man is, I take it?
Migo Toya >>>: ああ、わからない。ただ、そいつは自由時間のほとんどを 1人で過ごす癖があるそうだ。静かに考えごとをするのが趣味だって話だよ。どうにかしてこの男を説得し、足の指6本野郎に引き合わせてもらえればいいと考えてるんだが……。あいにくと、まだそんな幸運は訪れない。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: All right. I will see if I can find him. Farewell.


(Say): やぁ、Casey
Casey >>>: 友よ、お願いだ。このまま悲しませてくれ。
(Say) >> Casey: Well now... I had expected to find you in the bliss of love, not in the wallows of heartbreak. What happened?
Casey >>>: Ah yes, blissful it was. But it was a fool's dream to be sure. While I know that her heart is mine, there is no way I could hold onto her... she is of royal blood, and thus, she is bound to marry into a noble family, as tradition dictates.
(Say) >> Casey: So your love is marrying another, then?
Casey >>>: Yes, but not by her choice. You see, we met a few years ago, aboard a ship owned by her father. I was a sailor on that ship, and I had been stricken by her grace, charm, and beauty. I knew it was never meant to be, and to be quite honest, she was actually rather rude to me the first time we met.
(Say) >> Casey: So what changed, then?
Casey >>>: 我々の船はAnimus号に攻撃された。多くの仲間が殺されたり、降参したりしたが、私は守り続けた。しかし、あまりにも圧倒されたので、捕まえられてしまった……だが、そのときに別の船が我々の援軍としてやってきて、盗賊たちはそこで退散したんだ。
(Say) >> Casey: Captured? How did you escape?
Casey >>>: いいや、逃げたりしなてないよ。海賊たちは 果敢に立ち向かう僕の勇気に敬服し、仲間になってくれと言ってきた。最初は抵抗があったけど、結局僕はその申し出を受けたんだ。一時は敵対したとはいえど、学べることがたくさんある気がしたからね。そういうわけで、僕は海賊の一味に加わり、寄る高波もなんのその、数年の時を過ごしたんだ。
(Say) >> Casey: So here you are now. When did you leave?
Casey >>>: 僕はAbrinaに……命を賭けて守った女性に、何通か手紙を出したんだ。僕は飾らない感情を、彼女に会いたくてたまらない気持ちをしたためた。驚いたことに、やがて返事が返ってきたんだ。彼女はそこに「私を守ってくれた時、あなたが見せてくれた勇気に感動した、手紙をくれて嬉しく思う」というようなことを書いてたよ。僕はその場でキッパリ決めた。海賊という生き方を捨て、彼女のもとに駆けつけよう……「これからは愛に生きるんだ」とね。
(Say) >> Casey: But how could you be with her? Was she not of noble blood?
Casey >>>: Yes, she was. We had made arrangements to meet here in Qeynos, and I made my way to our rendezvous spot as soon as I entered the city. When I arrived there, I saw her waiting for me already... she was in rags and simple clothes, and told me that she wanted to leave her old lifestyle behind to be with me. Thus, we went into hiding in the poorer districts of Qeynos.
(Say) >> Casey: Fascinating! So how was she found?
Casey >>>: 突然だったさ。彼女の結婚相手、Delhinが学校に突然押しかけ、彼女を無理矢理連れて行ったんだ。彼女は抵抗したが、自分の家族も絡んでいたと知った時に諦めた。彼女の父親からの手紙に帰って来いと書いてあったそうだ。その時点で彼女は彼と共に帰った。
(Say) >> Casey: So what are you going to do now?
Casey >>>: こんな形で終わらせたくない。引き離されてからというもの、僕らは一度も会ってないんだ。彼女の愛は今でも変わらないはずだ。僕も彼女を愛してる。それを彼女に伝えたいんだ……たとえ最後の逢瀬になろうとも。
だけど、肝心の挙式の場所がわからない。いろいろ走り回ったけれど、たいした成果はあがらなかった。最後に話ができたのは 彼女の家の執事だったよ。彼は心から同情してくれたけど……特に役には立たなかったよ。
(Say) >> Casey: A steward, is it? We might have a stroke of luck here... I am looking for a steward myself. Where did you find this man?
Casey >>>: He was the last to board the ship that they were on. I had seen him walking on the beach just before he boarded, and I was able to speak with him. All I know is his name... Relgineld.
(Say) >> Casey: All right Casey, I will make you a deal. I need information that you have about the Animus. If I can help you find the wedding, will you be willing to speak with me about it?
Casey >>>: If you can find the wedding before it happens, I will tell you anything you want to know! But you're already working from a disadvantage, as I am not even certain where the wedding is taking place. All I know is that Relgineld likes to walk along the shore, and he's likely nearby wherever they are holding the wedding.
(Say) >> Casey: Just be ready for me when I return. Farewell for now.

258, 180, 299にRelgineld Macurryがいます。

(Say): やぁ、Relgineld Macurry
Relgineld Macurry >>>: Excuse me! I warn you, stranger, you might believe you'll find me easy prey for your banditry, but when house Kulsburin finds out what you have done, they will not cease to hunt you until you hang from the gallows!
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: You have me wrong, my friend. I have no ill will toward you, I only wish to talk.
Relgineld Macurry >>>: What is it then? Ask your question, then be gone from here!
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: ここは怪物だらけの土地だ。武器も持たずに歩いてるなんて、不用心にも程がある。
Relgineld Macurry >>>: I am not in need of any protection... I can handle myself. And in any case, there are some things worse than the prospect of being devoured by monsters. In some ways, it's almost preferable.
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: Really? Personally, I cannot imagine what. Why would you risk such a thing?
Relgineld Macurry >>>: 今は私の唯一の休息のひと時なんだ。伯爵の息子と そのボディガードから逃げられる 唯一の時間なんだ。あんなやつらと ずっと一緒にいられるか! 伯爵が病臥しておられる今、屋敷を仕切っているのはあの2人だ。他の皆も 辞表提出の1歩前さ! まあ、見ず知らずの相手に話すことじゃないが……。
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: Actually, I think I might be just the one you want to talk to, friend. I might have a solution for you.
Relgineld Macurry >>>: そうか? そんな向こう見ずな発言をするとは、何か魂胆でもあるのかね? 私に何をしてくれるのだ?
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: This Baron that you work for... would his son's name be Delhin?
Relgineld Macurry >>>: うむ、そうだ。
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: And if I'm not mistaken, is he not getting married to an elven noble's daughter soon, as well?
Relgineld Macurry >>>: That is correct as well. Why do you ask?
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: 友人がその結婚式を探してる。場所を教えてもらえないだろうか。
Relgineld Macurry >>>: And why would I tell you something like that? Delin has chosen to keep it a secret for a reason. You would be asking me to betray the family.
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: 幸せな結婚なら 来客が増えても問題ないはず。それに、あなたの忠誠先は 伯爵どのとお見受けする。伯爵の息子ではなくて。
Relgineld Macurry >>>: While your words are true, I cannot help but think that if I provide you with what you want, I will be betraying the Baron anyway. It is, after all, his son who is getting married.
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: かもしれない。しかしDelinは 父の病気を利用してるような印象を受ける。あなたにとって、これから先は 苦労が絶えなくなるのでは?
Relgineld Macurry >>>: そうだ、きみの言う通りだとも。……わかった、どうせ情報を手に入れるまで 立ち去るつもりないんだろ? だったら勝負を提案しよう。きみが勝てば、きみが欲しがっている情報を提供しよう。負けた場合は……ふふっ、まあ、勝ったほうがいいとだけ言っておくか。どうだね?
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: Very well, then. I accept.
Relgineld Macurry >>>: I am going to give you the choice between two drinks. I will apply a poison, then switch up the drinks, and you will choose which one you want. Choose wisely, and you have won the contest. I will give you a few minutes to make yourself ready... just let me know when you are prepared to begin.
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: Very well. Best of luck to... myself, I suppose!

84, 23, 108にJareth J'Zyaniがいるので、Innoruuk's Tearを3本購入します(1本30g)。

(Say): やぁ、Relgineld Macurry
Relgineld Macurry >>>: Wha... what?! You're still alive?... I mean... You're still alive! You've... won the contest! Good for you! Okay, now how did you do that?
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: 種明かしはできません。勝負に勝ったんだ、約束は守っていただこう。
Relgineld Macurry >>>: Very well, then. I do ask, however, that you never reveal where this information came from, as I have a feeling that it cannot end very well at all.
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: May I live five hundred years, and never fight again. Now, if you would be so kind - where might this wedding be happening at?
Relgineld Macurry >>>: ご存知のように、花嫁のAlbrinaはエルフだ。従ってその父もエルフだが、さらに貴族の出身ときた。ゆえに、挙式は先祖代々の故郷で行うべしと言っている。故郷というのがどこかというと……\rm:フェルウィズ\:Felwithe\/rだ。普通に考えれば 結婚式をするような場所じゃない。だがいかにあそこが危険だろうと、花嫁の父がそう決めたんだ。
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: どうやってあそこに行くつもり?
Relgineld Macurry >>>: \rm:フェルウィズ\:Felwithe\/rから出入りできる秘密の出入り口がある……高貴な育ちの花嫁の父ならそれを知っている。結婚式パーティーを街に誘導する計画を立てているらしい。
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: 軍隊を連れて乗り込むのか? 本来の住人たちが いい顔をするとは思えない。
Relgineld Macurry >>>: ああ、しかし公爵が防衛勢力を提供してくれるし、彼の部下のKalginが十分な力を持っている。
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: ボディガードってこと?
Relgineld Macurry >>>: その通り。Kalginはボディガードとして雇われ、もう何十年も公爵の下についている。 もっとも、最近主に守ってるのは 息子のDelhinの方だがね。あの2人は気が合うのか、やたら仲良くやっててね……私に言わせれば、どちらもあまりお近づきになりたい手合いじゃない。
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: Tell me this... might this Kalgin happen to have six toes on one foot?
Relgineld Macurry >>>: Why yes, but how could you know that? Why would you even consider such a thing?
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: 奇遇だな……友人がその男を追ってるんだ。
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: 知りたいことは聞けたと思う、ありがとう。
Relgineld Macurry >>>: Remember, keep this to yourself... that's all I ask for providing you with this information. I'm not sure what you are up to, but I am going to be staying far away from the wedding, just in case.
(Say) >> Relgineld Macurry: 心配無用。ここで出会ったことは秘密だ。


Migo Toya >>>: またあんたに会えるとは思わなかったよ。もしかして何かつかめたのか? 何年も調べ続けたオレにすら わからなかったことが?
(Say) >> Migo Toya: 君に関する情報はあるぞ。足の指が6つある男、Kalginが\rm:フェルウィズ\:Felwithe\/rでの結婚式に行くらしい。
Migo Toya >>>: What? You're telling me you found the six-toed man?
(Say) >> Migo Toya: いかにも。やはりKalginは 貴族のボディーガードをしてた。そして近々、今言った結婚式に出るらしい。そこに行けば会えるはずだ。
Migo Toya >>>: そうか……。ついに復讐のチャンスが訪れたというわけだ! さっそく準備を始めなきゃな。
……なあ、あんた。ここまでしてもらっといて何だが、俺に力を貸してくれないか? 最後の戦いで、オレと一緒に剣を振るってほしいんだ。あんたが味方してくれれば、これほど心強いことはない!
(Say) >> Migo Toya: 私の戦いなのかどうか疑問だ。
Migo Toya >>>: もちろん、分かるよ。だが、あなたのような能力と知恵の持ち主がいると、私の父の死の敵を討つのに非常に心強い。来てくれると言ってくれ。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: With such a heartfelt plea, how could I not, then? I will meet you at the Felwithe gates. Farewell for now.

(Say): やぁ、Casey
Casey >>>: 帰ってきたんだね! あれからずっと きみの帰りを待ってたよ。何かわかったかい? いいニュースだといいんだけど……。
(Say) >> Casey: 友よ、運がいいぞ。掘っていたら、結婚式の場所が分かったんだ。
Casey >>>: Wonderful! Please, do not hold out on me any longer! Where can I find my Albrina?!
(Say) >> Casey: Well, that's the difficult part... the wedding is being held in Felwithe, of all places. Not exactly the easiest place to get into, but I'm sure you could do it if you wanted to.
Casey >>>: \rm:フェルウィズ\:Felwithe\/rだって? いくらAlbrinaのためといっても、僕が行けるような場所じゃないよ! もし仮にたどりつけたとしても、彼女に会う前に 警備の兵だっているだろう。僕1人じゃとても戦えないよ!
(Say) >> Casey: You might not have to do that. I've met another man, by the name of Iludio, who also needs to get into Felwithe. Perhaps we could accompany you there.
Casey >>>: Yes, I think the three of us could break through the guards, and rescue my love! I will meet you two there. May fate be with us, friend!
(Say) >> Casey: うむ。では、\rm:フェルウィズ\:Felwithe\/rで会おう。

ニュー・テュナリアとのゾーン際にいるRelgineld に話しかけるとWedding Hallというインスタンスに飛ばされます。(-1011, 82, 639)

(Say): やぁ、Casey
Casey >>>: We are ready when you are, just say the word!
(Say) >> Casey: 戦おう!

2Fの玉座にCount Kalginをやってから飛び降りるとよいかも。
1Fの一番奥にいる花婿のPrince Delhinは途中でADDがあります。

MigoとCaseyと会話します。(Wedding HallでもLP&sQyでもどっちでもいいらしい)

Migo Toya >>>: 父の敵を討つことができた。友よ、感謝してもしきれない。永遠にあなたに借りができた。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: That is not necessary. All I require is some information.
Migo Toya >>>: もちろん。知りたいことがあるなら何でも聞いてくれ。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: What can you tell me about The Pirate Jones? I believe you sailed with him.
Migo Toya >>>: ああ、そうさ。オレたちは大海原を航海し、ターゲットに恐怖を与えることなく 奪えるものを奪っていった。あの人は甲板に立ち、大声を張り上げて命令を下し、戦いの指揮を執ったんだ。あれはなかなかの見物だったよ……何しろ彼は ほとんど剣を抜くことがなかった。抜く必要がなかったんだ。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: Wouldn't draw his weapon? How would he defend himself?
Migo Toya >>>: いつもってわけじゃないんだが、だいたいが抜くまで至らなかったんだ。あの人は類いまれな戦術家で、戦闘を完璧に指揮することができたんだ。その様子はまるで、第六感でも備わってるんじゃないかと思わせるほどだった。おかげでオレたちは ほとんど殺しに手を染めなくてすんだんだ……たいていの連中は、相手がオレたちだってわかると、大人しく降伏してきたからな。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: What a sight to behold, I am sure. What became of him?
Migo Toya >>>: 今でも仲間たちと一緒に 大海原を走ってるんじゃないか。富める船商人から奪い、貧しき者にコインを与え……。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: Wait, he would give out his gains?
Migo Toya >>>: Yes. He insisted that we do, in fact. There was a standing rule that a full half of what we gained would be given away to the needy. I guess he felt it was his way of striking back at the greedy by trying to level the playing field.
(Say) >> Migo Toya: 海賊仲間の感想は?
Migo Toya >>>: Well, on the whole, we were happy with the arrangement. Our holds were always filled with swag, and there was never a shortage of money to be spread around. We left the boat with plenty of cash, and were sometimes greeted as heroes when we would come ashore. Ah, those were the days.
(Say) >> Migo Toya: 想像に難くない。……他に聞けることは?
Migo Toya >>>: そうだな……体格的には、ずんぐりがっしりした感じだ。髪は長くて、髭は薄め。服がないのか何なのか、あまり着替えることがなく、何日もおなじ服を着りスズメだったよな。そうそう、それから、いつも立派な剣を腰にぶらさげてたな。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: 家宝か何かかな?
Migo Toya >>>: Maybe, but it was whispered that the sword was blessed by Lasydia herself, and was the source of his power. It was even said that it made him immortal, able to sail the seas forever. Ah, what a life that would be.
(Say) >> Migo Toya: Well then, do you know where he is now?
Migo Toya >>>: いや、それはどうかな。ある朝、\rm:フリーポート\:Freeport\/rの外で停泊したときに、父を殺した者を探そうと、こっそりと船を抜け出したんだ。その後、クルーとは連絡を取っていない。きっと私のことを見捨てていると思ったからだ。
(Say) >> Migo Toya: Very well then, thank you for your time. Farewell.

(Say): やぁ、Casey
Casey >>>: Thank you again for all of your help, my friend. Without you, I think that Albrina would have found herself married to another man, one who didn't even love her. Now we are together again, and nothing will take us apart.
(Say) >> Casey: 手助け出来て嬉しいよ。失礼……君から情報を得なければ。
Casey >>>: あらためて言うけど、僕にわかることなら 何でもお教えするよ。何について聞きたいんだったっけ?
(Say) >> Casey: What can you tell me about The Pirate Jones? I am looking for him, and I am hoping you can point me to him.
Casey >>>: 今でもよく覚えてるよ、彼と旅した日々のことは。彼は僕らみんなを率いて 世界中を航海したものだ。海図に載ってもないような場所へも旅したさ。
(Say) >> Casey: そうなのか? なぜそう思う?
Casey >>>: When he wasn't calling out orders and overseeing the daily affairs of the ship, he would pour over maps and charts, and thumb through old tomes in his cabin. Whenever he took another ship, he would immediately take all of their maps, and compare them to other maps he had in his collection.
(Say) >> Casey: 何が彼をそこまで掻き立てるんだろう? 戦闘中の様子はどうだった?
Casey >>>: The Pirate Jones was very flamboyant, and would dash around the ship, engaging in whatever fight he was closest to. He seemed to love the rush of battle. While he rarely shouted out orders directly, his bravery and skill was an inspiration, and we would follow him willingly into battle against overwhelming odds.
(Say) >> Casey: Really? Hmm... that's rather interesting. Tell me, what would he do with the loot you would collect?
Casey >>>: Well, he wouldn't keep it all. There was a portion he would take to give to the less fortunate. Not a lot of coins, though... mostly it was the things we would have to sell, like well crafted furniture and paintings. Things of that nature... we would just hand them out, letting those we gave them to decide what they wanted to do with them.
(Say) >> Casey: 彼のことで他にわかることは?
Casey >>>: He was quite thin, although very strong for his frame. He was also very nimble, avoiding attacks that would have done in a normal man. He wore something different every day, and sometimes changed during the course of the day... he always had his trusty rapier with him, however, and was never without it.
(Say) >> Casey: Well... okay. You don't know if he ever found whatever he was looking for?
