Screewoggins Standard(SWB3/7)


Captin Screewoggins >>>: Ho-Ho, indeed I 'ave seen this little fella before. I thought he looked familiar. He be owned by The Pirate Jones. I could tell ya more, but dat information can't be divulged for less dan umm... ohh... fifty thousand pieces of platinum.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Fifty thousand? Please excuse me, but that seems a little excessive. Whatever might you need that much coin for?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Why to fix da Capsized Klicknik that be sittin' on da bottom of da sea! I figure it be at least dat much to fix de ship and replace de valuables dat we lost. If ye can provide dat, den I will give ye da information dat ye need.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Hrm... well, I have another idea. It is your ship that you want, correct? How about instead of providing you with the coin for your ship, what if I just provide the ship itself?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Well... all right. I would have rathered da coins, but I want me ship back. I guess in the time ye would take to get the cash I need, I could almost just find da wood I need and repair it meself! I'd rather not, so yer suggestion sounds splendid!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Well then, it sounds like we have an accord?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Almost. Ye see, I still have to pay me crew from da ship. Dey are due der share of da treasure, which now lies at da bottom of da bay here. Dis will be yer little test. Dere is one treasure chest on board dat is bound so tightly, dat da strongest blows from a giant could not smash it.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: And you want what is in that chest, I gather?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Yar, yar I do. Bring me dat item... and find out what happened to da ship. I want an idea of how much dis is going to cost in da first place!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: わかった。またお邪魔する。

海底に沈んでいる船の甲板に木箱があるので調べ、Screewoggin's Wooden Boxを拾います。( -89, -18, 151)
Great Octopus(83+++)がPOPし、襲ってきますので返り討ちにします。

(Say): やぁ、Captin Screewoggins
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Managed to avoid drowning out dere, have ye? Dat is good to see! Now, what did ye find out?
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Well, I will have to say that the ocean can be a hostile place! But I believe I have what you asked for.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: You have? Where is it? Where is the box?
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: ほら、ここに。運んでくるのは面倒だったよ……海の魔物が おじさんの船を家にしてたから。