奇妙なバード(A Strange Bird)(SWBEpic2/7)


(Say): やぁ、Rrarwrk
Rrarwrk >>>: Squawk! Love crackers! Rrarwrk!
(Say) >> Rrarwrk: Why were you in that cage?
Rrarwrk >>>: Captured. Squawk! Master give you reward. Squawk! Return me.
(Say) >> Rrarwrk: ご主人さまって、どんな人?
Rrarwrk >>>: Rrarwrk! Pirate. Master is best pirate.
(Say) >> Rrarwrk: どこにいる?
Rrarwrk >>>: 船だよ、船だよ。キョロロロロッ!
(Say) >> Rrarwrk: Let's try to find him.

シンキング・サンドのパイレーツ・パーチに向かいます。(-2161, -228, 16)
Captain Shoreflowに話しかけます。

(Say): やぁ、Captain Shoreflow
Captain Shoreflow >>>: Unless you're here to help me get off this island, leave me be.
(Say) >> Captain Shoreflow: Is this your bird?
Captain Shoreflow >>>: いや、かわいそうなPeteyは、我々の船が難破したときに死んだ。
(Say) >> Captain Shoreflow: それは気の毒に......

ミスティック・レイクのガンザクキャンプへ向かいます。(42, -36, 277)
Gaptain Mordに話しかけます。

(Say): やぁ、Captain Mord
Captain Mord >>>: *grunt*
(Say) >> Captain Mord: お前の鳥か?
Captain Mord >>>: Spiroc taste bad. Go away.
(Say) >> Captain Mord: ああ。わかった……

クレーター・フェイダークの初心者エリアに向かいます。(-536, -27, -641)

(Say): やぁ、Captain Z'Sxhitar
Captain Z'Sxhitar >>>: もうわかっただろ? 放っておいてくれ!
(Say) >> Captain Z'Sxhitar: これはおまえの鳥か?
Captain Z'Sxhitar >>>: Do I look like I would own such an insolent little creature? No... Now leave.
(Say) >> Captain Z'Sxhitar: そうしてやろう。

エンチャント・ランドへ向かいます。39, 4, 116にいるCaptain Screewogginsに話しかけます。

(Say): やぁ、Captin Screewoggins
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Yar! Good day to ya, chap! Ye out fer some good fresh sea air? Ah, good, good. Well, I would love ta spend da afternoon chattin', but I have sumetin' dat requires me attention so I be quite busy. I'm sure ye can understand -- yar.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: I'm sorry to hear that friend, what seems to be the trouble?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Ah, please don't be concern'n yerself with me... no, no. An old salty dog such as meself can handle anything, come what may. Now if ye don't mind, I'll just be gettin' back to me problem at hand, you see...
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: What are you looking at out there?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: な、何もねえぞ! あんのは ただただ広大な海、海、それ以外何も見るもんねえぞ。ぶっちゃけ、探すだけ無駄だってばよ!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: いや、何かが見える、間違いない……
Captin Screewoggins >>>: いいや! 探すんでねえ! ……うぅ、いや、勘違いだよ、ああ。何も見えね。3海里離れてようが、スクーナーぐれぇ分かるわ。ああ、本当じゃ! 頼む、こっちで話をさせてくれ、水を見ないでな……
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Yeah, that looks like the hull of a ship.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: What?! I mean... how could... there be no way... a ship?! 'ere? What be da odds?
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: おじさんの船……?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: ビルジに帆が! この俺に来るとは何事じゃ……うーん……ここから離れた場所で船を沈めるとでも思ってるのか! 誰がそんなことをするか! そんなことはできん……想像を絶するだろ!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: With all due respect friend, I'm fairly certain that this is not your personal dock, just as I am fairly certain that the ship out there IS your personal ship.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: I have half a mind ta imagine doin' something very, very unpleasant to ye, or someone who looks a great deal like ye, right now. I take dat as an insult to me seamanship and skills as a veteran captain!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: I am quite sorry then. If you'll excuse me, I am going to go investigate that ship for treasure.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: だぁぁ、やめろっ! やめてくれ! そいつはオレ様のお宝だ! ……って、いや、その……ドラァァァッ!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: おじさんの船じゃないのに、おじさんのお宝なわけ?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: ぬぁぁ、もうダメだ! 恥ずかしくて恥ずかしくて仕方がねェが、おめぇにはもう秘密を隠していられねえ! ああ、あの船はオレ様の愛船、転覆クリックニック号だッ。そいつは美しい船だったよ……それがあんな姿になっちまって! 悲しいったらねえぞ……ウッ、ウウッ!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Well, the masts look quite lovely from what I can see from here, so I imagine the rest of the ship is something to behold. What happened to her?
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Ah, how I wish I knew!! We had docked 'ere after taking on a load ah treasure we ahh... found... along da Far Seas Trade routes. I had givin' da crew da night off, and we were goin' ta divide up da treasure dat followin' mornin'. Ye can be imagin' how excited we be!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: そうですね。じゃ、続きを。
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Well, da next mornin' I woke up ta somethin' quite unusual. Ya see, I be used ta seein' da sea out da window of me cabin, as I will often gaze out to da horizon as we sail. However, I not be as used ta seein' da water halfway up da window, and pourin' through it.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: To be fair, I doubt many would, so your alarm is quite understandable. Please go on.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Da ship started ta list, and it was clear dat she was goin' ta founder. We had ta get ourselves ta safety, and dere was no time ta gather da valuables or treasures we had collected. It was e'ery sailor for demselves.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: 慌てていただろうな。
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Da good news be dat da majority escaped rather unharmed. But now, we be stuck on da shore 'ere, while da Capsized Klicknik sits just out of our reach. Ah, such a cruel mistress fate can be!
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Your tale is quite sorrowful, and I can only extend my sympathies for you and your crew.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: Why thank ye, friend. Ye be a decent fellow, to be sure.
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: I am pleased you think so, because actually, I believe I have a question for you.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: そうかい? だったら言ってみぃ。どうしたよ?
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: Well, while I am making no assumptions or presumptions about you or your crew, but I'm wondering if you might help me find a man... a pirate, to be more exact.
Captin Screewoggins >>>: A pirate, it be? Well den friend, dat kind of information cannot come cheap, as I am sure you be understandin'. Da price of the information be based on who it might be ye be searchin' for. What be the name, friend?
(Say) >> Captin Screewoggins: The name of the pirate I am looking for owns this spiroc, Rrawrk. Have you ever seen this little guy before?
